Hips, Thighs and Otherwise

  WI25-3034 Jan 22
  6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  Online Via Zoom
  Janice Novak

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Registration closes January 18.


We have become a nation of professional sitters, causing lower body muscles to weaken and sag.  In this workshop, you will learn: my famous ‘10 Minute Miracle Exercise' series to strengthen lower body muscles quickly and, in the process, increase metabolism and bone density; decrease 2 inches off saddlebag area in 2 weeks; trim inches off lower body by getting rid of excess water weight; breathing technique to stimulate fat metabolism; acupressure points for lymph circulation and drainage.  If you don’t have time, money, inclination to haul yourself to a gym, you will love these powerful and effective techniques.  You will need a resistance band, tied in a loop for some of the exercises.

Refund Policy

Full refunds will be given when CER cancels a class. If you cancel your registration BEFORE start date a refund for the class, less a $5 processing fee and any material costs incurred will be provided.  No refunds will be given on or after the class/event start date.

Refunds will be made only under the following conditions:

    1. If your class is filled to capacity before your registration is received.

    2. If your class is cancelled by CER.

    3. If you cancel your registration BEFORE start date, A refund for the class, less a $5 processing fee and any material costs incurred will be provided. No refunds will be given on or after the class/event start date. 

Registration Policy

Pre-registration with full payment is required, unless otherwise noted. Class sizes are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Most registration deadlines are one week before the start of class. Decisions on whether to hold the class are made on the registration deadline date, so please register early!  Registrations preferred online at www.fairmont.k12.mn.us/o/cer, in person at the CER office, 115 South Park Street, Suite 131, or by phone (507)235-3141.


Photo Disclaimer

Fairmont Community Education and Recreation periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes and during other sponsored activities.

These photos may be used in the community education catalog or other promotional materials. If you do not wish to have your picture taken or published, you must provide us written notice in advance.


Youth Scholarship Policy 

For families experiencing financial hardship, each immediate youth family member may receive up to a 50% fee reduction for one CER class per catalog, unless otherwise noted. Scholarships are non-transferable.  To inquire about a scholarship form, please call CER at 235-3141 or email sbusiahn@fairmont.k12.mn.us.